July 20 Tigalda I., Kelp Bay; July 23 Unimak I., W. side; July 28 Unimak I., Akun I.; Aug. 3-5 Tigalda I.
        1900-1902.   Collier, Arthur James, of the U. S. Geol. Surv., collected about 260 specimens in the Cape Nome Region and at Golofnin Bay in 1900 and along Yukon R. from the mouth to Dawson in 1902.  They are now in Nat. Herb., Washington. A report on the vegetation at Cape Nome (Notes on the Vegetation Reconnaissance in the Cape Nome and Norton Bay Regions, Alaska, in 1900) was published by COLLIER in BROOK's report of the survey (Reconn. Cape Nome and Norton Bay Reg., Alaska, 1900. 513 Congr. 2nd sess. House of Repr. Doc. 547. Washington 1901).  A list of the plants, identified by COVILLE, is given in this work.  A report of the works done in 1902 was published in U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull 218 (1903).   The following places were visited: In 1900 several places on Seward Penins., chiefly Niukluk R., Krusgamapa R., White Mt and Cheenek. In 1902 June 17 Forty Mile R.; June 27 Wolf Creek; July 14 Woodchopper Creek; July 18 Yukon Flats; Aug. 9 10 miles below Palissades; Aug. 10 Totanilla mts near Melozi; Aug. 10 Melozi R.; Aug. 21 Koyukuk R.
        1900.   Spencer, Arthur C., collected a few specimens along Copper R. in July.
        1900-1901.   Walpole, Frederick Andrews, artist of the U. S. Dept. of Agricult., collected about 800 specimens of plants during two trips to Alaska for the purpose of preparing illustrations of plants for the volumes of the Harriman Alaska Expedition.  His collections from Seward Penins., comprising 665 numbers, were the largest obtained from this region up to that time.  The collections are preserved in Nat. Herb., Washington.   His drawings and water-colour skelches of plants, which are very beautiful and accurate and comprise a couple of hundred sheets, are kept in Nat. Herb., Washington.  A few were published in the volumes of the Harriman Alaska Exp. The following places were visited: May 17, 1900 Sitka; June 1 Killisnoo; June 2-4 Juneau; June 6 Skagway; June 7 Frasier; June 9 Glacier; June 12 Bennett; June 14 Skagway; June 15 Clifton; June 16-17 Skagway; June 18 White Pass; June 19 Chilkat; June 20 Killisnoo; June 21-July 5 Sitka; July 10 Kenai; July 12-Aug. 24 Kodiak (English Bay); Sept. 3-4 Juneau; Sept. 8-9 Skagway; Sept. 10 White Pass; Sept. 11 Skagway; Sept. 12 betw. Clifton and Henry; Sept. 13 Glacier; Sept. 14 Vista (Brit. Colulnbia); Sept. 15 White Pass; Sept. 21-29 Sitka; July 13-Sept. 10, 1901 the vicinity of Teller,


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